Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Parallel Structure

Each day, we will complete a daily Bell Ringer and Closure Activity:
Opening Activity:
10/5 sentences

Expanding the Intro. Paragraph

Students will take a quiz on parallel structure
Students will finalize their essay and turn it in to http://www.turnitin.com/

Students will outline, organize and create a 5 paragraph essay
Students will select one of their four opening paragraphs
Students will outline ideas for their essay (Use the following outline format: http://www.gc.maricopa.edu/English/essay/ )
Students will write using parallel structure

Parallel Structure
On a separate sheet of paper, complete the following (9) sentences:
A. In the four sentences below, circle the correct word or phrase that gives the sentence correct parallel structure.
1. Justin was excited about inviting friends over, eating a good meal, and ___ .
a. …a game of cards.
b. …to play cards.
c. ...playing a game of cards.

2. I have always enjoyed reading the book more than _____________________.
a. …I watched the movie version.
b. …watching the movie.
c. …to watch the movie.

3. When the weather outside is cold and ________, I like to be indoors.
a. …starting to get windy…
b. …windy…
c. …getting windy…

4. Running, lifting, and ____________ are three of Ashley’s favorite exercises.
a. …racquetball…
b. …a spinning class…
c. …bicycling…

B. In the sentences below, write a word or phrase in the blank that gives the sentence Parallel Structure.
1. The little girl liked eating cookies better than _____________________________ at her
grandmother’s house.

2. Students like to sleep, relax and _______________________________________ during the summer.

3. He went to the store to pick up a carton of milk and two ____________________.

4. Food, shelter, and ___________________________________________________ are all I need to survive on a deserted island.

5. ______________________________________ is much better than a visit to the dentist.

Class Assignments
1. Students will peer edit 3 essays. They will read the essays aloud and correct them. They will comment on each essay.
2. Students will read their personal essay aloud to another peer and conduct a personal evaluation.
3. Students will turn their final essays into http://www.turnitin.com/

**The 5 Paragraph essay is only ONE technique for writing a multi-paragraph essay. In this class, we will be exploring several options for organizing essays. This is only ONE example.

Closure Activity:
Each day, students will spend the last five minutes reviewing a peer's paper

Academic Content Standard:
5.1.11A- Write with a distinctive focus.
1.5.11B- Write using well-developed content appropriate for the topic.
1.5.11C- Write with controlled organization

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