Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Descriptive Planning

Descriptive Essays
Tuesday, 10/11
Bell Ringer
Each day, we will complete a daily Bell Ringer and Closure Activity:
Opening Activity
10/11 Sentences

-Students will create a descriptive/ narrative essay describing their favorite possession.
-Vivid details should be used in place of naming the object and its purpose

Favorite Possession

1. Complete step 1: Create your own THINK SHEET

2. Save it in to http://www.turnitin.com/

3.Complete step 4: Retype and organize your ideas from your think sheet.

5. Include the information listed below

Step 1: Think Sheet

The Planning Think Sheet will guide you through the process of choosing a topic and generating ideas that you might want to use in your essay.


1. Generate several ideas for your essay. Make lists and decide which object will work best for your topic. Next, pick an object.

2. Once you have generated some ideas for your descriptive essay, it is a good idea to think of sensory details that you can add to your description. Make a list of adjectives that describe how the object tastes, looks, feels, smells and sounds.

3. You will be required to use at LEAST three senses in your essay. (However, you may use all five)

4. In your essay, discuss the object's purpose without telling the reader the identity of your object

5. Tell how the object is used

Step 2: Putting It All Together

The Organizing Think Sheet will help you organize the information you generated with the Planning Think Sheet. Finish reorganizing the Organizing Think Sheet and including all of the details listed above.

-Students will create a descriptive/ narrative essay describing their favorite possession.
-Vivid details should be used in place of naming the object and its purpose

-Students will NOT directly identify the object/ possession in the essay

-Students must use creative description. **Your description may not be obvious.

For example, you may not say: It takes pictures....for any type of camera

-be creative.


Please review the tips below:

1. A well-focused subject can be ordinary or extraordinary, but you should strive to make it as interesting as possible by emphasizing what makes it interesting or new and unusual. Pick something specific, an event or a person or an animal.

2. How you treat your subject is directly related to how your reader will react to it. Give plenty of specific descriptive detail. If you're describing an event, watch people moving and hear them talking. Create a dominant impression for your reader.

3. Create a clear pattern of organization. Your introduction should work from general to specific, ending in a thesis sentence. You should have several paragraphs that develop and describe your topic, and your conclusion should restate your thesis or conclude your event.

Academic Content Standard:
5.1.11A- Write with a distinctive focus.
1.5.11B- Write using well-developed content appropriate for the topic.
1.5.11C- Write with controlled organization
1.5.11D- Write with a command of the stylistic aspects of composition.

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