Sunday, January 1, 2012


Bell Ringer:
Correct the following sentences:

Monday, 1/2/12
A. 1. Drama began in the theaters of ancient Greece.

2. Choral performances began in the 600’s B C and those performances honored the god Dionysus.

Tuesday, 1/3/12

B. 1. Thespis was one of the first actors and dramatists in Ancient Greece.

2. The term thespian, which means “actor,” comes from Thepis name.

Wednesday, 1/4/12
C. 1. Drama flourished in ancient Greece in the B.C. 400’s.

2. Contests were held: on a yearly basis to determine which comedies and tragedies are the best.

Thursday, 1/5/12
D. 1. The ancient Greeks presented their dramas outdoors, using large amphitheaters.

2. The Theater of Dionysus in Athens Greece held about 14000 people.

Goal: Students will present their PowerPoint Presentations

Today we will begin delivering our presentations. As you are delivering your speeches, make sure to pay attention to the basics of speech delivery.

Three Basic Elements of Speech Delivery

1. Rate- Remember to pace yourself. The audience should’t feel like they’re running to keep up with you. Pausing to breathe will help to slow you down. Controlling your breathing to the key to a well paced speech.

2. Volume- The audience should not have to strain to hear you. Remember to speak to the back row of the audience. When an audience has difficulty hearing they will lose interest.

3. Eye contact- Eye contact allows you to build a relationship with the audience. It gives you more credibility as a speaker. Look up frequently. Do not become so focused on your notes that you forget the audience.

Academic Content Standards:
15.1.11A- Write with a distinctive focus.
1.5.11B- Write using well-developed content appropriate for the topic.
1.5.11C- Write with controlled organization.

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