Sunday, September 18, 2011

Intro Paragraphs


Each day, we will complete a daily Bell Ringer and Closure Activity:
Opening Activity: Click on the link

Bell Ringer- 9/17

Students will write ideas for introductory paragraphs.

Writing a Structured Essay
Objective: To familiarize students with INTRODUCTORY PARAGRAPHS

1. Students will continue to write introductory paragraphs on four topics for possible use in a later paper.
2. Students will peer edit three papers.
**Students must read their papers aloud to another student
3. All paragraphs must be turned in to

Select 4:
(You may use first person in the first three choices)
Pet Peeve
A person who inspired you
A favorite place

(First person may NOT be used in the following choices)
Topic of choice (to be approved by teacher)

2. Please be sure to include all elements of the INTRODUCTORY PARAGRAPH
-If you have any questions, please refer to Wednesday's blog.
-There is a comprehensive overview of the 5 Paragraph essay and examples for each section (Including the INTRODUCTORY PARAGRAPH)

Closure Activity:
At the end of each class, students will evaluate their work. This will promote the ability to self and peer edit. It will also facilitate the goal of positive response.

Students will switch computers and peer check each other's works
(Please write in your notebooks. Indicate what papers you checked

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