Monday, September 6, 2010


Thursday, 9/2 and Tuesday, 9/7 (Friday was journal day)

Understand what pronouns are and how they are used
Understand the relationship between pronouns and antecedents
Identify personal pronouns

355-357 (Practice Exercises)

Workbook Exercises: pgs 5-7

Students will complete an original writing exercising using nouns and pronouns
Standard - 1.5.C.F: Use grade appropriate conventions of language when writing and editing. Spell all words correctly. Use capital letters correctly. Punctuate correctly Use correct grammar and sentence formation.
C.E.3.1.4: Demonstrate correct grammar and usage (e.g., verb and pronoun form and agreement, modifiers and transitions, word order and syntax).
C.E.1.1.5: Write with control of grammar, mechanics, spelling, usage, and sentence formation.

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