Friday, September 24, 2010

Journal Day

Today is journal day. Please respond to the following prompt:
Since today is the unofficial start of the Bloomsburg Fair, I am going to let everyone write about the Fair. You may write about anything you feel like involving the Fair. (Favorite foods, things to do, things you like, things you do not like, favorite stops, shows you are going to see, etc.)


Tonight is also the biggest football game of the school year, so you may also write about the WVW game. What do you think is going to happen? Are you going?


Write a short creative story using a phone, a clock, wire, a window, and an office.


Write on the topic of your choice.

Have fun and try not to eat too much this weekend!

(Journals MUST meet minimum page requirements completely.)

Academic Content Standards:
15.1.11A- Write with a distinctive focus.
1.5.11B- Write using well-developed content appropriate for the topic.
1.5.11C- Write with controlled organization.

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