Monday, April 30, 2012


The last day of school is almost here!!!!!!

This is your Final Exam for the year. You are responsible to get it to me by the deadline.

I want to emphasize that I will not accept this after the due date!!!

By the end of Final Exam PERIOD


Write an essay that reflects on your time in high school. You can reflect on the entire high school experience – i.e. grades 9-11 – OR you can reflect solely on this year.

Ø The emphasis of this essay should be on synthesis, that is, the pulling together of all of the experiences you had in high school into a single, coherent vision of the person you have become, are in the process of becoming, and eventually hope to become.
Ø As you pull together the various aspects of your experiences and thoughts, reflect a bit on the directions of that future growth—where do you expect this journey to take you and how do you imagine your education will help shape the person you eventually hope to be?
Ø It should document the most important aspects of your education and overall high school experience.
Ø It should help you remember and articulate various facets of your life.
Ø You may go beyond the normal five paragraph length in order to adequately share all of your reflections.


Use the following questions as a guide to help you remain focused on the reflection of your high school career. THESE ARE ONLY GUIDES.

1. Examine and discuss how you’ve changed over the past years in terms of handling situations involving other people, either personally or socially.
2. Examine and discuss the way you’ve changed over the years in terms of how you relate to the larger community, looking at the adult role you hope to play in that community.
3. Examine how your values have changed throughout your years in school, looking at the ways your education has facilitated or prompted that change.
4. Describe your sensibility as a person—what are your feelings about things and what role do those feelings play in your decision-making and thought?


Since this is the final essay of the year, it will be counted as your final test. This essay will be worth a total of 200 points.

40 pts for the focus on your reflection
40 pts for the content of your reflection
40 pts for the organization of your reflection
40 pts for the style of your writing
40 pts for the conventions (grammar/spelling/word choice/etc.)

1.4.11.A Write narrative pieces

1.5.11A Write with a sharp, distinct focus

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