Tuesday, April 6, 2010

The Art and Abuse of PowerPoint

It has become standard to add a PowerPoint to every speech even if it’s not useful.
If you remember a few basic principles, your PowerPoint will wow the crowd rather than put them to sleep.

Rule 1 A PowerPoint is not meant to replace the speaker’s notes.

Rule 2 The PowerPoint is meant to benefit the audience not the speaker.

Rule 3 Less is more when it comes to words on a slide.

Rule 4 It must be easy to read.

Rule 5 Keep the fonts clean and simple.

Rule 6 Make sure you have enough contrast between the font and the background.

Rule 7 Leave the special effects to the 3-D movies.

Your PowerPoint will be graded on how well you follow the rules in creating your presentation.

Your teacher will specify the topic and number of slides.

Here’s a video of what not to do.


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