Monday, October 26, 2009


Goal: Students will be tested on commonly misused homophones

Directions: Create 2 sentences for each of the following.
Make sure you vary your sentences!
(The words listed below may NOT be the first word in each sentence)

1. Your
2. You're
3. To
4. Too
5. Two
6. Past
7. Passed
8. There
9. Their
10. They're

Write the correct answers:
1. (Your/You're) using (your/you're) skills to correct (your/you're) work.
2. (To/Two/Too) receive an A, students must proof (there/their/they're) work and turn it in (to/two/too) (there/their/they're) teacher.
3. The teacher watched the (to/two/too) students who were passing out books.
4. It is fun (to/two/too) eat (to/two/too) apples on Tuesday.
5. (There/Their/They're) trying (to/two/too) borrow (to/two/too) dollars (to/two/too) go (to/two/too) the movies (to/two/too).
6. The deadline has (passed/past).

1.5.11C- Write with controlled organization
1.5.11D- Write with a command of the stylistic aspects of composition

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