Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Read and Respond #2


Select and read an article on a social issue.
Be prepared to write a response.
Begin each response with the book title and the date of your journal entry.

Before you read the article . . .
♦ What do you know about the topic before getting started on the article?
♦ Why did you choose this article?

While reading the article . . .
♦ What information surprised you?
♦ What information do you question or disagree with? What info do you agree with?
♦ What is the most interesting thing you learned? Why?
♦ What is the most interesting thing you read?
♦ What techniques does the author use to make this information easy to understand?

I. After reading the article...

1. Write down the THESIS of the article. (What is the main topic / angle / purpose of the topic?)

-use complete sentences

2. What are the main points in the article?

-Use complete sentences

II. Using the questions listed above, write a response to this article.

Please use three paragraphs to respond. (Make sure your answer has a beginning, middle and an end)



Academic Content Standard: 5.1.11A- Write with a distinctive focus.
1.5.11B- Write using well-developed content appropriate for the topic.
1.5.11C- Write with controlled organization
1.5.11D- Write with a command of the stylistic aspects of composition.

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